Priority List of Sites Deserving/Requiring International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Inspections, with Employee Interviews
by David Albright and Sarah Burkhard
May 20, 2021

Drawing from our newly released book, Iran’s Perilous Pursuit of Nuclear Weapons, 1 this table identifies many locations of Amad-related facilities with varying statuses today, including razed, shut down, repurposed, or active, all highly relevant to the IAEA in determining the origin of undeclared nuclear materials and fate of undeclared facilities, materials, and activities, the completeness of Iran’s nuclear declaration, and whether nuclear weapons efforts have ended or in fact are ongoing. Such a determination requires many steps with one being IAEA visits to key sites in the Amad and post-Amad programs. This table identifies 19-23 priority locations for IAEA visits.2 More sites are possible; this count represents more of an undercount rather than an overcount. About 17-21 out of these 20-24 locations have never been visited by the IAEA, or alternatively only three of the priority Amad sites, Parchin, Marivan, and the Tehran Plant, have been visited to some extent. All three require follow-up visits due to the finding of yet unexplained traces of undeclared uranium.
1. The book is available on Amazon at ↩
2. Each row in the table is counted as one site, unless otherwise noted in the third column. The range reflects uncertainties about the number of underground nuclear test sites being developed by Iran during the Amad Plan. In addition, four rows in the table were not included in the priority count. ↩