Global Fissile Material Stock Charts
September 16, 2010

The main nuclear explosive materials are highly enriched uranium (HEU), plutonium, neptunium, and americium. The materials are categorized by country, quantity, origin and use (military or civil). There are more than 3,900 tonnes of fissile materials in the world, enough for over 350,000 nuclear weapons. About 2,000 tones are in weapons usable forms. Understanding the size, status, and production of these materials is essential to preserving international security and reducing the risk of nuclear war, proliferation, and terrorism.

- The 549 states include Belgium, Britain, China, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, and the United States. These states make annual, voluntary declarations to the IAEA in the form of INFCIRC/549 declarations. Click here to view the detailed report on the 549 states.