Documents Assessing the Organizational Structure of FEDAT
December 14, 2009

The following is a set of figures and documents assessing the organizational structure of what The Times’ source calls Iran’s “Clandestine Nuclear Sector” since the 1990s. (Leaked Memo Identifies Man at Head of Iran’s Nuclear Programme, The Times) It includes a letter from Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, and its translation, that lists a set of addresses that are said to describe the structure of a secret nuclear effort under the Ministry of Defense called FEDAT. ISIS discussed this information with several government officials in the United States and abroad. They stated that these charts provide reliable information on this difficult subject. We decided to share this information to further the public debate.
Note On PHRC: The Physics Research Center (PHRC) was under Iran’s Ministry of Defense and operated in parallel to the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI). The AEOI was mainly responsible for developing fuel cycle facilities. The PHRC, according to this organizational chart, was focused on a range of projects, including fuel cycle activities and some possibly related to developing a nuclear weapon. But the exact relationship between PHRC and the AEOI is unclear and the subject of several of the outstanding questions the IAEA wants Iran to answer. Similarly the subsequent incarnations were in parallel to the AEOI, which built the Natanz facility.
The image above is described as part of a letter from Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.
This is an English translation of the previous letter in Farsi. The portion above the signature was not translated. The annotation in blue was added by The Times’ source.