PHRC Reports

Aiding the Physics Research Center’s Overseas Procurements: Role of Applied Science Co. and Akebono Boeki Co.
By David Albright and Andrew Ortendahl
November 15, 2012
Appendix: Applied Science telexes
November 15, 2012
Iranian Smuggling for Military Nuclear Programs: From Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group to the Physics Research Center
by David Albright and Paul Brannan
May 16, 2012
The Telexes: Whole Body Counters and the Physics Research Center
by David Albright and Paul Brannan
May 16, 2012
The Telexes: Front Company Kala Naft
by David Albright and Paul Brannan
May 16, 2012
Telexes: Amir Kabir University and Dr. Shahmoradi
by David Albright
May 16, 2012
Opening the Door to a Solution with Iran
by David Albright and Olli Heinonen
May 9, 2012
Department 70 and the Physics Research Center: Extensive Interest in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technologies
by David Albright, Paul Brannan, Mark Gorwitz, and Andrew Ortendahl
March 19, 2012
Department 70 Telex Appendix
March 19, 2012
The Physics Research Center and Iran’s Parallel Military Nuclear Program
by David Albright, Paul Brannan, and Andrea Stricker
February 23, 2012
PHRC Telex Appendix
February 23, 2012
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