- | ||||
Britain France Belgium Germany Japan Switzerland Russia United Statese China Indiaf Netherlandsg Italyh Swedeni Spain |
75.9 3.8 6.5 4.9 <0.05 30.3 4 - 5 0 0.7 0 0? 0 <0.1? |
<0.05 1.0 Not Declared 24.4 0 - 5d Not Declared 0 0 0 1.2 ~0.5? 0.833 0? |
35.6 ~2b Not Declared 0 <0.05 Not Declared 0 0 0 0 0 0 0? |
40.3 ~2.8 ~24c 29.3 ~1 30.3 4 - 5 0 0.7 1.2 ~0.5 0.83 0? |
Total (rounded) | - | - |
a Table reprinted from Table 1 in David Albirght, Separated Civil Plutonium Inventories: Current and Future Directions, ISIS Issue Brief, June 2000. Unless otherwise noted, the sourve of this information is the IAEA's INFCIRC/549 and its associated declarations. The totals of Columns A and D do not match because the declarations are incomplete and the plutonium in Column B many be in a country not included in the declarations. |
b Not declared, but the estimate of 2 tonnes of foreign-owned plutonium is based on discussions with Belgian nuclear officials. |
c German holdings in other countries are estimated by assuming that this material is held in Britain, France or Belgium and that the vast bulk of Belgian, German, Japanese, Swiss, Dutch, Italian and Swedish holdings outside of their countries (Column B) is equal to the amount of plutonium in Britain, France and Belgium that is foreign-owned. ISIS's central estimate for column B is 18 tonnes. |
d Five tonnes of plutonium in spent fuel were sent for reprocessing, according to Switzerland's declaration to the IAEA. Most of this plutonium is not separated. |
e ISIS estimate of the amount of unirradiated plutonium originally produced in civil reactors is 4 to 5 tonnes, the bulk of which was procduced in British civil reactors. This is part of the 52.5 tonnes declared excess by the United States. Of this 52.5 tonnes, the United States has declared that 45 tonnes are in unirradiated form or separated forms. |
f ISIS estimate. |
g From Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Tweede kamer, vergaerjaar 1996-1997, 25422, nr 1. This Dutch separated plutonium is located in France. Our understanding is that no Dutch spent fuel was reprocessed at BNFL or Cogema in 1998. |
h Estimate of Italian plutonium stored in Britain. ISIS does not know if Italy has an in-country stock of a few hundred kilograms of separated plutonium. It is assumed that Italian plutonium in Super Phenix fuel is irradiated; if not, or swap happened, then the values in Column B could change and the values in Column D could increase. |
i Swedish separated plutonium from the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI), Granskiningspromemoria 99:30, 199-07-01. Dnr 8.26-981480. |